“It’s as though I were living at last in my eyes, as I have always dreamed of doing, and I think then I know why I’ve come here: to see, and so to go out against new things—oh god how easily—like air in a breeze. It’s true there are moments—foolish moments, ecstasy on a tree stump—when I’m all but gone, scattered I like to think like seed…”
William Gass, In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
Today’s Adoptee Writing Class Prompts: What is Enough? What is Not Enough?
I have the best job in the world. I get to think of things I’d like to hear about, and then I get to listen to word musicians, word magicians, word kings and queens read what they conjured up in a minuscule amount of time.
What if We Just Erase the Word Gratitude and Start Fresh?
I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude, because the more intentionally I live my life, the more clearly I can see the wall I have built that keeps out sustained contentedness.
Some key WOW I’M REALLY ALIVE takeaways session with the amazing life coach Katie Peuvrelle or YOU ARE WELCOME
I asked for a session with Katie because everything is great but I’m not feeling it in a deeply meaningful way.
Adoption and Power or How Come I’m So Confused and Tired
The word for what happened to me as a baby doesn’t exist, and so I don’t have the power I need to feel fully present and connected to others.
For the 30-Year-Old Adopted Man Who Wrote to Me That He Felt Broken After Coming Out of the Fog and Wanted Love
The thing about feeling broken is that “broken” is related to “broke” which is related to “not whole” or “in trouble”.
Surviving or Creating: Shifting from an Adoptee Mindset to Your Own
Someone once gave me a dishtowel that says But Did You Die?
Three Life-Changing Ideas I Had about Being Adopted While Listening to Podcasts and Driving 3,282 Miles
I thought about the writing classes I have with adopted people, and how, 100% of the time, when they read their work out loud, I feel in the presence of something holy.
For the Adoptive Mom Who Wondered Just How Many Times Her Daughter Would Hit Bottom
You said your daughter’s therapist wondered how many times your daughter would hit bottom.
Asking for Help When You Believe No One Can Help You and Adoption
I took To Be Real, the sequel to You Don’t Look Adopted off the market after I spent seven hours in the recording studio reading it for the Audible version. I kept saying to the guy at the controls, Is this over yet?
Being A Bitch At Dunkie's or Boston, I Love You
I was pulling out the Dunkin's parking lot when a woman walking her dog came out from behind my car and walked in front of me. She gave me a long, mean look as she walked in front of my car, like, You almost ran me over.
Emotions As Doorways Into Your Story Part 2
On Instagram, I asked adopted people what emotions they did not like to feel.