Online Retreat for Adopted People -- March 2-4
Why an online retreat?
The biggest reason, I think, is because it’s much cheaper and less time-intensive to attend this online retreat than one of my inperson retreats. There’s no travel or housing expenses, and I’ve made the cost a $200 suggested donation, which means you don’t even have have to pay that much (that little!) if times are grinding you down financially right now. There’s also no COVID risk.
The smallest reason is because I wanted to see what happens when I put together something like this. Yes, you are an experiment! Oh, the possibilities!
What are we going to do?
I’ve co-led or led over fifteen adoptee retreats, and what I’ve seen is that the nurturance of community is generally the most important gift adoptees in this kind of setting can give themselves and each other. This means we’ll spend a lot of time getting to know each other, a lot of time talking about our experiences, and a lot of time figuring out things we can do to help us feel like our strongest most vital selves.
If I told you specifically what we’re going to do, your head might take over and try to be in charge. In order to change and grow, we need to be able to toggle between comfort and discomfort. Just know that I like to ask questions that get you thinking; I like to laugh; I like to be challenged, and I like to have fun.
The schedule is Thursday night from 6-8 PM ET, Friday and Saturday 9-12 ET and 2-5 ET. That’s 14 hours. We can do and learn and process a lot in that amount of time!
How many people will be there?
Ten or fewer. I like to be able to really get to know the people who are in the “room” with me.
What if I get so triggered during the retreat that I can’t stop crying?
Well, that can happen. Know I’m not a therapist, and so if you think this might happen to you, have your therapist on speed-dial. You are also welcome to just sit there the whole time and cry. Sometimes that’s what adopted people need most: the space to let it all go.
What do you want us to do before the retreat?
If you want “homework”, you can read Belonging by Toka-pa Turner and Living Untethered by Michael Singer. This is completely optional. These books changed my thinking and therefore my life.
Why do you, Anne, want to do this retreat, and how do I sign up?
I love watching adopted people bond, express themselves, and challenge long-held beliefs. Love as in love. Being in community with other adopted people is amazing, and I want as much amazing in my life as possible.
Email me at to reserve your spot or to ask any questions you might have.