Guest Blog Post by Michelle Madden: What I Need to Not Take a Klonopin
One freaking hour of peace each day
No one calling me foul names (at my job)
A smile from someone now and then
No venomous emotional vomiting on me (again, frequently professional)
Time to be still and quiet
Time for exercise
Dog not shitting on the rug (for the love of God)
A break from negativity
Girlfriend time!
No music blaring at 10:30 pm
Something for which I am grateful
Something to which I can look forward
No furniture crashing on a snoopy dog who gets into everything (cute scoundrel)
Someone actually doing what I have asked by the third time
The dishes getting done
A hug
No cable TV news
Beautiful soaps, lotions, and teas
A bathtub
A journal
Enriching reading
Open hearts and deep conversations
A mental list of coping strategies
Love in my life-romantically, family, friendships, and love of all people
A sense of emotional security and that my world is not about to come crashing down around me
People who support me
A sense of meaning and purpose in my life
Two of these on any one day are good enough.