Possibly the Best Life Hack Ever

This is going to be short because I want to read and go to bed, but I also want to get this out to you as soon as possible so you can be as amazed as I am.

I have been reading Tim Ferrris’s book Tools of Titans, and I have been wildly underlining ideas, book titles—you name it: exercises to give me more ankle mobility, a brand of cooling sheets. Anyway, one thing I underlined was a set of journal exercises to do each night and morning. The one that blew me away the most was a morning one, so I’ll tell you about that one in bold print. In the evening, I write down three amazing things that happened that day and then I write about what I could have done to make the day better. What I love about this is that, no matter what, three amazing things happened every day because I have to find them and take note. I also love that I get a chance to hold myself accountable for how I showed up during the day and look for ways I could have done better. 

In the morning, I write down three things I am grateful for (one is something nearby that I experience with my senses so that I’m really present while writing these things), flooding my body with feel-good hormones, three affirmations (I am…), and then I write three things that could make the day great.

Much to my shock, I saw that I rarely faced the day thinking about what could make it great. I was solid with good, like: I can’t wait to have my matcha latte and then do my stuff, but great? That takes effort. I love my days and I’m not bored, but man oh man, did I see that I could really raise the bar on what is possible when I started thinking about what could make the day great. 

By day three I couldn’t even think of anything! Everything I’d written the first two days had happened and I’d been euphoric, but then day three rolled around and it was like I’d hit the glass ceiling on dreaming and I came up with nothing. 

I was struggling to dream up an amazing life!!

So I just went for it. I went large. I wrote one: get a book publishing deal. Did it happen? No. But do you know what did? Because my brain was thinking about getting a book published, I sat down in a smoothie shop and outlined a book and then I called a friend and asked if she wanted to collaborate with me on it and she said yes. So that’s kind of getting a book published. Sort of. 

The point is, if I hadn’t pushed myself and written down a great thing, chances are good I would have just had the smoothie and left the shop, but my brain was saying SIT DOWN AND GET THIS BOOK DEAL and so I ended up with the beginning of a book!

Will you do this with me? Come on! Let’s morning ourselves to fun and wonder!! 

Keep me posted. We’ll go Aerosmith on the whole day and dream on until it’s time for the sweet sleep of the loved.



Here’s a link to Tim Ferriss’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Tools-Titans-Billionaires-World-Class-Performers-ebook/dp/B01HSMRWNU


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