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Day 13 - Partnerships

As my daughter was growing up, I often felt more like a partner than a mother. I liked the feeling that she and I were both in this together, this adventure of creating a life that fit her, a life that she loved. 

I have a writing partner, Antonia Bogdanovich with whom I write screenplays and I have a working partner, Pam Cordano, with whom I do adoptee and creative retreats. 

Even when I was doing what were essentially extremely solitary events: first birthing a child and, twenty years later, writing a book, I had partners: my child's father and HBL. Think of the long distance runner going the course, but with a heart-connected cheerleader at the sidelines holding pieces of orange and glasses of water and a megaphone of encouragement.

If you took away my partners, you'd have a whisper inside a cave. 

I am thinking about partners because I had such an amazing experience learning how to use a stand-up paddle board this past week with Burleigh Cooper at Portside Paddle. We are better because other people are there. Tomorrow I'll write about paddle boarding and what I learned and how it changed my life and fixed my back. 

I'm loving my Heart Math sensor I wrote about the other day. I think breathing while connecting with my heart makes my awareness of gratitude even more of a body experience than just something my brain processes. I think my feet are learning to feel gratitude, my elbows, my crooked teeth. 

Last night Antonia and I decided it was time to write another screenplay and I told her what I wanted to do. It's a story I have carried around in my head for years and I even wrote a not-great draft once, but yesterday when I was out paddle boarding with Burleigh, he told about something he had done as a kid and the screenplay flared to life. He had given me the missing piece to my story. Last night I had dinner with Antonia and she said she had realized it was time to work together again and I told her I'd had the same thought hours earlier. 

And so it goes. 

See you tomorrow. 



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