Day 4 - Bacon
I'm on day 4 in my gratitude journal (I went rogue and got a black book and a white pen!), and every day has the word bacon written on the page at least once.
I found out today that if you go to the farmers' market/and or the store and get broccolini and delicata squash and Brussels sprouts and three pieces of uncured smoked bacon and chop/slice it all up and add some coconut oil for good measure and put it all in a 400 degree oven for about 18 minutes, the bacon, which, if in a pan lets off about 1/4 cup fat, just spreads its taste all over those vegetables and even with the tablespoon or so of coconut oil, the pan itself is almost greaseless when you tilt it to scrape your dinner onto your plate. Grey sea salt, the rocky kind, the kind where each grain is a commitment, is a great way to bring the whole meal into high def.
Eating gratitude.