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Three Goals, One Cheerleader, and a Bunch of Meditating Manaics

This is my dream for Three Goals, One Cheerleader, and a Bunch of Meditating Maniacs: 

This Facebook group will focus on everyone meeting their goals as a community as much as it will revolve around each person focusing on him or herself. The goals may look non-traditional—maybe your goal is to get a new job or maybe your goal is to be more like the 7-year-old-self you carry inside you. This isn’t about doing BIG thing necessarily or things other people normally might think would merit a gold star. It is about finding ways to be most you and having a community of people at your back, cheering you on.

I invite you to invite other people to join the group. Each of us has our own rolodex of people and things we know, and this rolodex is in service to the group. The more connections we have, the more opportunities we have available to us. Maybe one person can introduce another person whose company is hiring, or maybe one person has a size-8 black jacket that someone needs but can’t afford. 

 I ask everyone to pick one minute a day and to focus on something positive while thinking about the group such as “I am love” or “May we all find peace” or whatever thought you want to send out to the world that day. After all, break us down to our basic components, and we are energy. In this group, we can meet energetically and vibrate at increasingly higher levels. Anything is possible when you feel so alive you don’t see limits. 

With this in mind, I ask you to be thoughtful with your posts once the page opens. The things you say are generally either going to be like acid (negative, burning) or like butter (positive, nourishing). I’m not asking you to be fake or like a Hallmark card, but I am asking you to bring your best self to the table. 

I am going to mail each person who signs up an oversized pair of sunglasses with stickers that spell out the 4-6 words you want to be the lenses through which you see the world this year. For example, my words are love, acceptance, community, fearlessness, creativity, and abundance. What this means is that I’m chosing what I want my brain to focus on this year. I’m chosing how I train my eyes to see. I am making a commitment to let go of my limiting beliefs. (I’m unloved; I’m not accepted, etc.) I can’t have these thoughts while seeing the world through the filter of my 6 words. Does this make sense to you? I am putting my brain into thinking/seeing bootcamp. I am training myself to see love, acceptance, fearlessness, community, creativity, and wealth both in my inner and outer world.

Basically I am treating myself like clay and creating the life I want. 

 I want to send you the glasses so you have a physical reminder of how you want to see the world, be in the world. On the days you are feeling lost or weak or confused, you can put them and be reminded of this group, your highest self, and your goals. 

That means I need your words and your addresses. Let me know if you have any questions.

I have an assignment for you to help you clarify your three goals for the year, and I’ll get that up when I open the page. 

Until then, enjoy the end of 2018. I feel in my guts that 2019 is the year of community, and so I’m over the moon that you are here with me. I am so curious to see what we can do as a group. I really do believe that anything is possible. 

The magic of the group has already started. One person signed up and offered to pay the $50 monthly cost of participating for someone who could not afford it at this time. I had the perfect person in mind, and now she’s IN. 

There is so much joy in giving and receiving. Both feel so good.

I’ll open the Facebook page on January 1st and then we can start setting up your half hour monthly calls with me. If you want in, send me your address and your words. You can send me $50 monthly via Palpal ( or Venmo (@Anne-Heffron). If money is tight, still do the group. I believe that if you have the desire to be able to pay, soon you will. At the end of the day, all of this is about getting us to be the most powerful, loving, fully realized versions of ourselves. 

Here’s to love and community and living out our dreams. 
